My darling husband whined & complained yesterday because I was going to make swiss steak... I looked around online for some other ideas but I was really craving some comfort food (I know what's new!!!) since we are in the middle of a blizzard here. So I decided I would make it anyway & if he didn't want to eat it that's fine. I typically go out of my way to make meals I know he will like so I guess last night I was being selfish.
So anyway.... I started cooking & D comes in the kitchen & says "What are you making, I thought you said you were making swiss steak".... I just looked at him. CLEARLY what is in the pan is swiss steak, so I replied "um that's what this is" and he goes "oh I don't think I've ever had that" WHAT?!?!
So if you don;t know what it is & don't think you've ever had it darling husband how can you say you don't like it & whine to me all day worse than our 5 year old????
So he tried it, LOVED it & went back for seconds.